Ravi (V1.1.9)
bots official updates will be posted here
Saturday, April 29, 2023 (EST)
Changelog (v1.1.9)
- ticket blacklist add/remove
notes: You can now blacklist users from creating tickets in your portal as simple as two commands!
Monday, May 30, 2022 (EST)
Changelog (v1.1.9)
- vars
note: cmd is only available to the bot managers/developers only that has the BOT_DEVELOPER_PERMISSION
Wednesday, April 20, 2022 (EST)
Changelog (v1.1.9)
Added: double layer blst system to the bot to prevent people from abusing bot cmds, making it hard for the bot to reply quicker then usual.
if you or your server has been blsted please appeal in #﹒blst-appeal-server & #﹒blst-appeal-user and use the format.
new cmd:
- displays a given hex color code information
Friday, March 18, 2022 (EST)
Ravi is currently the beta version of v1.2.0
Going forward, this will be the only version I will maintain and will work on until it's released.
The following things:
- The "`embed builder" subcommand will not be updated. For now, this version of the embed builder will be kept under beta phase.
- The "inviteinfo" subcommand does not retrieve other servers invite information.
- Ravi may respond a little faster, you might experience some slow replies, due to the hosting server being wonky some of the time.
If you experience any issues with the new update, please let me know!
Guides & Links:
Privacy Policy: https://ravi-docs.gitbook.io/ravi-documentation/privacy-policy
GitHub: https://github.com/Jeffreyz1129/ravibot.website.api
FAQ: https://ravi-docs.gitbook.io/ravi-documentation/faq
Guide: https://ravi-docs.gitbook.io/ravi-documentation/guide
Changelog: https://ravi-docs.gitbook.io/ravi-documentation/changelog/ravi-v1.1.9
If you have any concerns, questions, or suggestions about Ravi, please ask in the support server
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 (EST)
Changelog (v1.1.9)
- serverlist
- retrieves server invites and displays information on how many servers the bot has connected to
Sunday, February 13, 2022 (EST)
Changelog (v1.1.9)
- pinmsg
& unpinmsg
Notes: both cmd has been fixed and works functionally now
Tuesday, February 08, 2022 (EST)
Changelog (v1.1.9)
Updated: Ravi will now automatically leave the guild if the bot doesn't reach minimum server member requirements (human members). you will need to have 65 real human members :)
Tuesday, February 01, 2022 (EST)
Changelog (v1.1.9) Updated: - commands layout have been changed for easier reading
Sunday, January 30, 2022 (EST)
Changelog (v1.1.8)
- calculates a given expression
Thursday, January 20, 2022 (EST)
Changelog (v1.1.8)
- displays information about the provided server
Saturday, January 15, 2022 (EST)
Changelog (v1.1.8)
add user
- adds a user to a ticketremove user
- removes a user from a ticket
example usage: using user mentions/user ids
!add user @somebody
|!add user 1234567890
!remove user @somebody
|!remove user 1234567890
Friday, January 14, 2022 (EST)
Changelog (v1.1.8)
Bug Fix:
add pm/am
remove pm/am
notes: the cmd now should be working properly and smoothly without having errors!
Wednesday, January 12, 2022 ( EST )
Changelog (v1.1.8)
Notes: pins a message from a given message ID/ unpins a message from a given message ID
example usage:
!pinmsg 12345678
|!unpinmsg 12345678
Sunday, January 2, 2022 ( EST )
Changelog (v1.1.8)
- sets the timeout to a certain user eg:!timeout <user/userid> <unix>
usage: !timeout @somebody 1w
timeouts can not be set for more than 1 week due to discord limits
that's all for today best,
your developer Jeffrey
Sunday, December 12, 2021 ( EST )
Changelog (v1.1.8)
- retrieves a certain guild's ID server invite notes: the bot must be mutual in order for this to work
booting up bot now is able to reply to your commands 5x faster than before
adding partnership count features soon
updated the bot website a bit
going to update
modules with features of able to:accept, deny cmds, etc
going to add
the module commands just like when you use!add pm/am
%!remove pm/am
on the next update
That's all for today best,
your developer Jeffrey
Tuesday, November 30, 2021 (EST)
added privacy policy (these bot rules and terms of services will and can be changed at any time)
Wednesday, November 17, 2021 (EST)
Changelog (v1.1.8)
After some problems we had when deploying it, finally, it's live.
New ticket system !! use
!nani tickets
for more informationNew welcome/leave system check here for more info on how to set this up
ticket reaction panels !! ( we still can use the old version of just running the (
) creation ticket cmd but now both are optional use!
- your AFK can now be auto-disabled when you type smth back on any channels, etc (this command has been depreciated, If you can't remove your AFK just "set a new one" and then type in any channels to get them disabled)
Changed paginator to use the button instead of reaction.
Changed the bot response for "help panel" (
)Moved detailed examples from help commands to docs page as it's more difficult to maintain for changes.
ravi's website changelog will be updated tonight
Hop over to our support server If you need help with the new changelogs of Ravi's command changes.
Saturday, June 5, 2021 (EST)
Change log (V.1.6)
Gonna be doing a series of updates over the next week or two. I'm currently going over each command to optimize code and improve functionality and I'll update here if there are any command execution changes.
This is just a heads up that
the module will be changed in terms of implementation to allow servers to have a history of their invite codes (this includes expired invites).
Embed Updates:
Currently, the embed creation commands are yet to still be in (beta)
Partnerships Update:
I am planning to implement a partnership counting system into the bot. (this is gonna take some time)
The update is currently being applied gradually per-shard. So, be patient if the update hasn't reached your server yet.
Guides: here
On a final note, If you have any questions or are just curious, feel free to join the support server and ask !!
Tuesday, February 2, 2021 ( EST )
Changelog (v1.1.3)
Fixed: - embedded all error/ & successful Messages
- !guide
: a guide to the bot
Others: - Finally, I wanted to remind you all that command cooldowns are not here just to annoy you, but to ensure that Ravi does not get rate limited (slow). I did my best to make them as non-disruptive as possible, I will not lower cooldowns even if you ask. but I will try something new if that doesn’t work.
Last updated
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