Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get support for Ravi?

You can get support for Ravi in the Ravi Support discord server.

How can I add Ravi to my server?

You can invite Ravi to your server with this link.

Can I invite the beta version of ravi?

yes you can invite the beta bot using this link.

What is Ravi's default prefix?

Ravi's default prefix is !, you can't change its prefix yet as it's still in beta.

Why isn't Ravi responding to my commands?

Firstly, please check the Ravi Support Server for outages. If Ravi is not offline, please make sure you are not blacklisted from using Ravi due to a violation of discord TOS. If other users are able to use Ravi but you are not, you are likely blacklisted.

Why is Ravi not working as expected?

Firstly, make sure Ravi has the proper permissions. Additionally, please make sure you have Manage Server permissions and that he is not offline.

Important: If you are the owner of the server, make sure you have at least one role with Manage Server permissions. If you have no roles, Then Ravi will assume you do not have the proper permissions to Manage the bot.

I need help with a specific Command topic what can I do?

Tip: If you need help with a specific command you can use: !guide or !nani topic

How can I make use of Ravi's features without granting it Administrator Permissions?

Important: It is highly recommended that you grant Ravi Administrator permissions.

In order for him to function properly, Below are the supported permissions Ravi will be asked to use:

- createinstantinvite
- kick
- ban
- admin
- managechannels
- manageserver
- addreactions
- viewauditlog
- priorityspeaker
- stream
- readmessages
- sendmessages
- tts
- managemessages
- embedlinks
- attachfiles
- readmessagehistory
- mentioneveryone
- externalemojis
- viewguildinsights
- connect
- speak
- voicemute
- voicedeafen
- movemembers
- usevad
- changenicknames
- managenicknames
- manageroles
- managewebhooks
- manageemojis/managestickers
- slashcommands
- requesttospeak
- manageevents
- managethreads
- createpublicthreads
- createprivatethreads
- externalstickers
- sendmessagesinthreads
- moderatemembers

Last updated

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