
Configuration for Utilities

General | 24 commands



Display the bots commands or information on a specific command !help


Display Ravi's stats


Check Ravi's ping


Display's a users avatar

ex: !av

!invitecodes [code]

Display information about user invites, using an invite code, vanities do not work

!inviteinfo [code]

Display information about a guild using an invite code, vanities do not work Notes: if the bot is not in a specific guild, it will not show information and will return error message.


Displays a list of command topic


Display the user as afk


⚠️ - This Command has been Deprecated.


Display links to invite the Bot, Vote, ETC.


repeats what the users says

e.g. !say hi


Displays the bots current changelogs


sends a report/bug to the developer


Quotes any messages given from a Message-ID or Message Link

e.g. !quote <message id> e.g.!quote <message link>


Displays user info


Sends the provided Guild ID server invite Note: this command only works if the bot is in the guild


sets a slowmode for a channel eg: !slowmode <number> <unix> usage: !slowmode 2 h


sets a timeout to a specific user. timeouts are only acceptable to 1 week duration usage: !timeout <user/UserID> <time>


pins a message from a given message ID


unpins a message from a given message ID


Display's information about the server


Calculates a given expression


Displays the given hex color info


defines a given word

Tip: [user]can be a @user or a userID.

Bot Owner | 12 commands



Leaves a certain guild/server

Requires: BOT DEV ONLY


Shuts the bot down.

Requires: BOT DEV ONLY


Restarts the bot down. Requires: BOT DEV ONLY


Display's Developer Help Panel

Requires: BOT DEV ONLY


Blacklist a certain guild from using the bot

Requires: BOT DEV ONLY


UnBlacklist a certain guild from using the bot

Requires: BOT DEV ONLY


Blacklist a certain user from using the bot

Requires: BOT DEV ONLY


UnBlacklist a certain user from using the bot

Requires: BOT DEV ONLY


This will execute every function that has been provided by a user. Requires: BOT DEV ONLY


display's info about each guilds, and shows how many servers the bot has connected to Requires: BOT DEV ONLY

!var <server/user> <set/view> <var name> <amount>

bot variable settings, that displays servers/users database vars Requires: BOT DEV ONLY


set the new updates for the bot Requires: BOT DEV ONLY

Last updated

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