
Configuration for Partnerships

Partnerships % Affiliates | 11 commands


!setpmod [on/off]

sets the pm module either on or off

!setamod [on/off]

sets the am module either on or off

!setpmchannel <#channel>

sets the pm channel when someone is given the pm role

!setamchannel <#channel>

sets the am channel when someone is given the am role

!setrole-pm [role id]

sets the pm role

!setrole-am [role id]

sets the am role

!setpmmsg [message]

sets a pm welcome message when someone executes !add pm | am <user>

!add-pm [user] | add-pm [UserID]

adds the pm role to the mentioned user or by using a User ID

!add-am [user] | add-am [UserID]

adds the am role to the mentioned user or by using a User ID

!remove-pm [user] | remove-pm [UserID]

removes the pm role from the mentioned user or by using a User ID

!remove-am [user] | remove-am [UserID]

removes the am role from the mentioned user or by using a User ID

Important: The Bot needs to be above the pm/am role in order to grant permissions to give roles to the user & you must display the bot role for it as well.

Last updated

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